3 March 2024,

Public health threats continue to rise from waterborne pathogens in drinking water, recreational waters, and unregulated aerosol sources such as cooling towers and decorative water features. Conditions that cause the colonization, amplification, and transmission of Legionella also support other biofilm-associated pathogens. When public health surveillance systems detect an outbreak of diagnosed disease it is critical to perform an effective and robust environmental source assessment to determine where amplification has occurred and to assess remediation efforts that should prevent future cases. Practical guidance, developed while working as public health officials or in cooperation with public health authorities and based upon dozens of outbreak investigations, will be presented. Since the first recognized outbreak of Legionnaires’ disease in 1976, public health authorities and various associations have issued a litany of guidance and research findings on where to look, how to sample, how to analyze, and how to interpret sample results for Legionella. While guidance on Legionella sources and its habitat have evolved over time many out of date ideas and myths have persisted. Additionally, some inaccurate information has been introduced about Legionella in recent years that interferes with efforts to reliably detect and remediate sources of exposure and disease. This webinar will present up to date (contemporary) information on Legionella and other biofilm-associated pathogens, while taking time to flag and dispel numerous myths and correct obsolete information, ideas, and theories related to its origins, habitat, susceptibilities, and remediation from building water sources.

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